Resurection Device

Well, it’s finally coming together.  I know I’ve been away for awhile, the usual stuff…!

Actually, I was building up a couple amps to take up with me for the Greater Seattle Vintage Guitar Show last month.  Did I get everything done, NO!  Did my cards get printed,  NO!  All the glossy promo sheets I had planned, well they sort of got finished ….the morning I was leaving for Seattle.  I really was feeling overwhelmed with all the little stuff that was going to make or break my trip, and the anxiety over not having them all done.  But I decided it would be okay to just go get my face out and not fret the little stuff.  I wanted very badly to look professional, like I really belonged.  Not some joker who built a couple amps in his basement trying to compete with the other “much more professional” boutique guys.  Performance anxiety, you bet.  But I needn’t have worried, because I was graciously received and warmly welcomed.  My amps got an overwhelming positive response from other builders, players and the store owner, whose good graces allowed me the be there in the first place.

So, the word I kept hearing from everyone who played through it or was within ear shot was that this amp had a “unique, 3-dimensional quality”.  I don’t know how “unique” it is , but I think it sounds good, but then again, I built it and am far from impartial.  Anyway, that term kept coming up from one person after another.  People where pretty blown away, which of course makes me feel good, “Gee, you really like me”.  But to me, the proof of the pudding is in who coughs up the dough.

So, since this is a very condensed version of the events and not meant to be a complete, detailed look at the weekend; here is the crux of the bisquit.  I got a call from one of the attendees to build him an amp.  That”s what I’m talkin ’bout!

So……now that I said all that, the focus of this entry was one of the amps that I wasn’t able to finish.  The lonely Bandmaster that almost wasn’t.  In the entry titled “The Evil That Men Do”, I detailed the inhuman treatment meted out to that poor amplifier. Now I can proudly show off where little Johnny has gotten to.

The old, tired abused chassis, with the butchered transformers, bent sheet and hacked wiring.  I salvaged some of the coupling caps and controls, and pretty much tossed everything else.

May I present the new and improved “Show Master”!  I designed and built all new glass boards circuits, keeping the Vibrato channel stock Fender.  The Normal channel is now called “Thick” as it is a paralleled first stage into a cathode follower tone stack, ala Marshall JTM.  It is defientaly thick and sounds great cranked with humbuckers into my 2×12″ cabinet.

One of the other peculiar things about this amp was that someone had mounted a Twin/Showman set of transformers in it.  I was able to trade off the output and choke for a gentleman building a “Dumble” clone and in exchange got a nice ClassicTone Magnetics JTM output transformer and choke.  The idea was that since the chassi was punched for four outputs, a JTM OT at 3200 ohms is perfect for 2 pairs of 6V6’s .

  The other issue that was going to need to be addressed was the butchered faceplate with extra holes and everything.  So with the help of Sandy at Precision Designs of Indiana, I had a new control panel crafted to reflect the changes in layout and the new moniker.  The cabinet also has received a face-lift with the tolex getting repaired and new gold grill cloth for the fascia board.

Most will get this one, but "Show" from the Showman iron & 4 output tubes and "Master" from it's humble beginnings as a Bandmaster.

All in all, this has turned out wonderful and while not back to stock condition, I think it’s better and unique in a tastefully done way.  Most people only use one of the channels anyway, so why not beef up the Normal channel and have two useful tones to choose from.  Plus it’s still in the 40-45 watt range as it was originally, but with a grittier tone from the 6V6’s.  This one is for sale by the way, I can’t keep all the strays that come thru here.  At least that what I keep telling my wife.

  That’s all I have time for right now.  Thanks to all who drop by and keep on Rockin!

~ by mmandjk on June 15, 2011.

2 Responses to “Resurection Device”

  1. I am glad this blog is back!

  2. Thank you! it’s really a focus issue . . . . . but isn’t always?

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