A funny thing happend on the way home….

The delicious crunchable joy that is Devi Ever US Fuzz

I was purusing Craig’s List one evening, doing my due diligence as far as job hunting goes, and came across a heading that caught my eye.  “Effects Pedal Assembler Needed” – HHHhhhmmmm, now what are the chances that I could find a music biz related job in this God forsaken little corner of the globe we call Stumptown?  I mean arent’ all “those kinds” of places down in SoCal or Nashville or New York City?  So, I open the liting and sure enough, local boutique builder in need of detail oriented, experienced builder needed to help catch up the backlog.  Wow, I didn’t see that coming!  So after a couple emails and a few photos of my work later, I had a handful of fuzz pedals on my bench for a try-out.  Cool, finally some interesting serendipity has happened to me and not someone else.   I mean how many times have you heard, “Oh, So & So got a gig working with ______ ”  or ” I found it at Goodwill” or “It was in the dumpster”  Those things usually happen to somebody else.  After returning them at the predetermined time and being inspected, the creator of  Devi Ever Effects said “Welcome Aboard”.

    This has been what I’ve been doing for the last couple weeks, almost non-stop.  Huffing solder fumes and coming out of the basement for lunch, bathroom break and up to bed at 2am.  I definetly need to rig up some venting over my workbench so I don’t poison myself.  I mean I made it to “50” this week, I’d kind of like to make it to a much later date, God willing.  So even though I’m using lead-free solder, I like a higher percentage of Oxygen in my breathing mix.

If she ever switches to SMD's I'm out a here

Wow, I started this weeks ago and have just been swamped, so it has not been completed yet.  Until now……Since I started writing this post, I’ve made two batches of Hyperion’s, Eyes of God, Disaster Fuzz’s, Torn’s Peaker,  Dark Boost, 2 batches of Shoe Gazer’s and I just finished up a clutch of Rockets.  Phewww!  My wife is starting to complain that I don’t ever come out of the basement.  Well, she used to say your always at work and I never see you, at least I’m home now, if she needs to see me, she can just holler.  I’m enjoying building these little beasts, but I’m glad I don’t do them 8 hrs a day.  It does take a toll on my hands and wrists, much like the repetitive motions at my old job did.  But it’s nice that I can work a 3+ hours a day (any time of the day or night) and have them done in 3-4 days.  Leaving me plenty of time, (well some time) to rehearse, build amps and do repairs.
  It’s been interesting switching gears as to scale and working on these little critters.  I’m getting much faster at it and am honing my pedal building skills for sure.  All in all, I think I’ve built maybe 115-120 pedals of different sorts and Devi has been very cool to work with.  If your effect needs run to the more extreme, you should really check out her pedals.  Some border on….., hell who am I kidding, some of these pedals are completely unhinged.  Now if I can get a chance to build with Maleko, I’ll be super stoked.  I really dig his stuff as well.  Plus he now is located in Portland, so it’s becoming boutique central around here.
Peace Be With you!

~ by mmandjk on March 27, 2011.

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